Winnie the pooh pathology test
Winnie the pooh pathology test

winnie the pooh pathology test

And just like Christopher Robin, as my children have grown up and left my story to start epic tales of their own, it has been hard for me to grow-up and leave my stories with them and my best-est, most beloved playmates behind, and find another “me” to be. As the best mate of the silly ‘ole bear and the mother-figure to my children, I have had a role with many of the same skill sets and jobs as Christopher Robin. When my third daughter came along, she was our own cute little, anxious sounding, “Piglet” and my son, well, I must admit there are many days he sounds exactly like his nickname implies, as the grumpy, pessimistic “Eeyore”. We still call my second daughter,“Roo” to the point that some people think it is her birth name. My eldest daughter, dubbed herself “Tigger” early on. My husband, even before our wedding, has been long my own “Winnie the Pooh”. The reasons for each of my family member’s nicknames, seem obvious to me, but then, it’s my story melding with Milne’s, much as Milne melded his adult-view stories with his own son’s children’s tales. It was called “Us Two” and my grandfather (and we could never be sure with Grandpa if he was being serious or making a joke) asked out-loud during the service why my sister was reading a poem about “poo”. I even had a Winnie the Pooh poem read at my wedding. My children and I loved the “Winnie-the-Pooh” books and every single one of us had (and have) Pooh character names. Milne, are to me, like drawing a magnet across the face of an old Wooly Willy Toy. I don’t put much stock in either tests or statistics, but I had to take this silly test because any thing remotely related to brilliant worldviews, psychological delvings, and thematic explorations by great artists, like A.A. I have already scored myself and all my family members, years ago, on my own personal Winnie The Pooh Personality Test. Well, I could have saved everyone some time, because I really didn’t need to consult this particular chart. But you can consult the chart above to see which of the characters you scored the strongest on.”

winnie the pooh pathology test

Whether you really are an equal fit for all of these characters, or you just happened to get an equal score on all of them, we are unable to say we are therefore also unable to give you a more personalized description. On the other hand, it is also possible that you simply answered the questions in such a way that you ended up with tied results, even though, in reality, you do have a definite Pooh Pathology. It is possible that you are an equal fit for all of those characters. MULTIPLE RESULTS: “You appear to have two or more equally prominent Pooh Pathologies.

Winnie the pooh pathology test